
Your child will enter Preschool at the front entrance and the register is marked by the senior staff member at the beginning of the day. Please let us know who is picking your child up at the end of the day as this is written on the register.

If this changes during the day /session please phone us. You must inform the staff at Preschool and nominate a password!

Security / Safeguarding at the Start of the Day

If you wish to speak to a member of staff at the beginning of the day, please settle your child by coming into the building and then speak before carpet time.

Security / Safeguarding at the End of the Sessions

Please wait outside the main doors at pick up times and your child will be released to your care. If you need to collect your child early for any reason, or you are running late please let the staff know in advance in person or by telephone on 01332 793169

Security for visitors

Please ensure that you sign the visitor log, thank you

If you are leaving the building at a time that is not a normal drop off time then a staff member will accompany you to the front door and make sure that the external door is locked and the wooden key is hung up. 

If you are in the Preschool Setting for a visit or as a volunteer. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE ALL DOORS AND GATES BEHIND YOU! 


Please log all absences on Nursery in a Box and text the preschool mobile if your child is going to be absent for any reason from either Preschool or Breakfast Club. and when your child returns you must sign an absence form.


Your invoice will be emailed to you at the end of each month
Please check it carefully and pay as soon as possible.

Childcare Vouchers

 If you who want to pay directly out of your salary before tax, the main voucher account numbers follow. 

·       Edenred: P20119075

·       Computershare: 0008191489

·       Care-4: 06411092

·       Ofsted URN ref: 206712

·       Post code: DE72 2AX

We also have accounts with Tax Free Childcare,ChildcarePlus, Sodexo, RG Childcare and Fideliti.


Snack is provided every morning session, along with a drink of milk or water. This is paid for by voluntary contribution. It is 50p a morning and will be put on your invoice. If you don’t want to make the contribution please just email the office.

Lunch Club

Please try and ensure your child’s packed lunch is a healthy, balanced one.

Remember to cut up any fruits or choking hazards.

Put the lunch in a named container or lunch bag and add a freezer pack in warmer weather.

Lastly we would really appreciate it if you could remember to put any cutlery needed in lunch boxes (spoons for yoghurt and forks for pasta) Thank you!

What to bring to Preschool

All children should bring the following to Preschool

  • A bag with a spare set of clothes.

  • Spare nappies or underwear.

  • Water bottle

Please make sure all items are CLEARLY NAMED!

Winter / Summer

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the season.

In Winter:

Make sure you send in the following named items:

  • Wellingtons in a separate drawstring bag

  • Sweatshirt / Jumper / Cardigan

  • Coat / Hat / Gloves

In Summer:
Please make sure you have put sun cream on your child before they come to preschool.

Make sure you send in the following named items

  • Named Sun cream to reapply if necessary

  • Sunhat

  • Lightweight waterproof coat

Drawstring Bags

Drawstring Bags are available from Preschool for £4

"What to Expect, When" a guide for parects

"What to Expect, When" a guide for parects

Click here to help raise funds for Pre-School

Click here to help raise funds for Pre-School

The news and information page was last updated on 20th June2023